Tom wrote:
<<I did have one bad one with a big kit that the seller knew he was inflating
the quality. Could I have gone after him? Possibly, but I didn't. In the
end, I lost a little, not a lot, just didn't make the profit I expected.
Even this last purchase of the fungus farm is, I think, going to end up
working out.>>
I generally avoid auctions where it is a kit, the seller writes "hasn't been
used in ages", and there is a nasty camera bag sitting next to it all. To me
that says "fungus-amungus". Then again, I have bought a couple of those
packages and been surprised when I start digging in the camera bag: focusing
screens, filters, lens hoods, manuals, extra caps, etc. Those things really
start to add up. If the camera and lenses look good then you have really
gambled and won.