Several months ago I submitted a portfolio for review for possible selection
as a participant in a state wide photo workshop in Texas sponsored by Popular
Photography. It is actually a workshop and a subsequent contest of the work
produced. Earlier this month I was notified that I had been one of those
selected to participate. Given that I am a member of this list, that my
portfolio was about 90 0one with Olympus/Zuiko equipment and that I only use
Olympus these days, I figured the list might like to know one of there own
will be out there going head to head with the others guys. The workshop will
be toward the end of March and I'll post my experience when it is completed.
Maybe we will see some Olympus work in this publication done by a list member.
Now the big decision that faces me is what to take. My tendency might be to
take it all, but then part of me says to take the 18mm, 24mm, 35-105mm zoom,
a doubler and the 500mm. That would take a tremendous amount of restraint
and probably won't happen. Then there is the question of film. What kind,
how much . . . this is going to be fun. Guess if I would just take most of
my stuff and ship it to Chris O' Neil or Tom Scales I wouldn't have such a
big decision. Oh well, I'll keep you guys informed. Bill Barber