I have only been "Scaled" once, and it included the 20/2 Macro. I haven't
used it that much because I have the 38/2.8. If you need to get in REALLY
close, then I guess it is a must. According to the e-SIF the magnification
ranges (on bellows) for the 20mm and 38mm macros are 4.2 to 16 and 2.3 to
6.7, respectively. I find the latter more than enough most of the time. The
hardest part about the 20mm Macro is finding your subject and then trying to
get everything just right once you have found it. I have taken it into the
field a couple times, and it was pretty much a lesson in frustration.
Another difficulty is lighting. You get so doggon' close to the item that
you create a shadow. I would recommend the T-8 ring flash or Lieberkuhn
Reflectors. I don't have either of these tools, and the more I use these
lenses, the more I think I need them. They are hard to find too. B&H
carries the T-8 and I think I have only seen one on eBay once (and seems like
it went for almost retail). The Lieberkuhn Reflectors? Not sure if I have
ever seen them on eBay...maybe once before I knew what they were. Sometimes
you can find them in macro kits.
Anyway....I hope this helps.
Oh...and you can get some really amazing shots. It's a whole new world at
16x. I have some great images (at least I think so) of butterfly wings.