In a message dated 1/26/01 5:33:47 PM Pacific Standard Time,
wincros@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
>| I have 15 Om bodies in my collection ,the oldest a OM-1 purchased in
>| But you could'nt possibly consider that Zuikohaulism.Could you?
>| Scott S.
Depends on how many you actually use to make pictures.
Winsor Crosby
Long Beach, California, USA
Winsor, your challenge is accepted:
1. Slow speed slide film for landscapes
2. High speek slide film for sports, action & nature
3. Slow speed print for family pictures
4. Low contrast print film for portraits
5. High speed print for family sports and action
6. Slow black and white for landscapes
7. High speed black and white for street and candids
8. Infrared for special effects
9. Duplicating film for slide copying
10 & 11. Matched pair with matched lens on fixed bracket for stereo
12, 13 & 14. 3 bodies with calibrated shutter speeds for zone system
15. Spare body for lending, or perilous situations
And now where is that OM-1 I had attached to my telescope? And if I ever get
my OM-F that I lent to my daughter, I can use it for trap focus photography.
And if I get an OM2000 I can dedicate it to double exposures.