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[OM] It's YOUR fault!!!

Subject: [OM] It's YOUR fault!!!
From: "Michael Virsinger" <mikev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 22:26:46 -0500
To my fellow Zuikaholics:

Hi, my name is Mike and I'm a Zuikaholic. I've been one for less than 3
months and this is my story. It started out innocently enough by buying an
OM-1n body for astrophotography. I have never owned an SLR camera before
this and certainly have never used one. I never intended to use it for
anything else but astro work, but I thought I might as well pick up a 50mm
lens so I could learn how to use the thing or just keep the dust out of the

Well, the day the camera arrived I was very excited. It was a mint condition
black beauty and I knew something was immediately strange the minute I
opened the box. The camera felt so good in my hands, so smooth and perfect.
I fired the shutter and shuddered as I heard the sound of the mechanical
precision. I immediately knew I needed to get that 50mm lens to make this
baby "whole" and see what it could do. I went to the net and searched for a
good candidate; a mint condition 50mm f1.4 and in a local camera shop! I
spent a long sleepless night wondering how I could get from work to the
camera shop before it closed the next day. I even contemplated calling in
sick so I could go first thing in the morning - little did I know how
premonstrative (a perfectly cromulant word) that thought was!

Well now its three months later and I feel the need to disclose how deep my
affliction goes: 1 Black OM-1n, 1 Black OM-2n, 16/3.5 fisheye, 28/f2.8,
40/2, 50/1.4, 90/2 macro, 75-150/4 zoom, Winder 2, Varimagni finder, T-20
flash, T-32 flash, Bounce Grip 2, assorted shoe 4's, filters & cables, plus
a mint 8mm fisheye on the way. My photography skills have come a long way
just by the sheer need to hold and use the equipment. I am now the family
baby photographer, have to shoot our church Christmas pageant and shoot
movie stills for a friend's movie! All I wanted was a way to take pictures
of the stars and maybe a few planets.

I blame all of you for both encouraging me and even worse selling me this
stuff. I hold you responsible and demand that you no longer accept offers
for equipment or lenses from me. CUT ME OFF!!!

Thanks for listening.

P.S. - Anyone got a black OM-4Ti for sale?

Michael Virsinger
VirTech Solutions, Inc


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