I wish I had a 35/f2. But do I want it bad enough or need it bad enough to
add it to my bag where I have a 35/2.8?
I was recently in BALBOA PARK at the ALCAZAR GARDEN here in San Diego. This
garden is a riot of colorful flowers in a beautiful setting. I mounted a
polarizer on the 35/28 and shot some Supra 200. The results are gorgeous.
The photos are sharp in the corners and overall contrast is very good.
I shot at f/8 and so wide open wasn't the issue. It seems that most lenses
suffer at wide open aperture. If photojournalism is your effort, the edge
sharpness is probably not important. In a scenic, we usually shoot at
smaller apertures and the other attribures of the lens become important.
So, after this ramble, I think I'll stay with the 2.8.
Dave Dougherty