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Re: [OM] Bounce Grip 2

Subject: Re: [OM] Bounce Grip 2
From: "Lex Jenkins" <lexjenkins@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 18:26:33 GMT
Chucking could involve clamping (in the chuck, or jaws) the thing in a drill press or lathe and spinning it very quickly.

Think that would fix the problem?

From: "Olaf Greve" <ogreve@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Hej Olaf -- "Chucking" is a modern American idiom meaning "throw it out".

Aaargh, that was my original guess , and I had already typed in a phrase
saying something like "don't throw the PBG2 out just yet..." when I thought
I'd better look up the verb "to chuck". The dictionary then came up with the
tapping/patting thing :)

So that'swhat those Woodchucks have been doing all those years!

Hmmmm, lemme see if I remember:
What would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Right? :)

Say it! Faster! Faster! FASTER!!!! :)))


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