After considered everyone's advice, I took a trip to our local Photo
equipment dealer. He had a used Samigon 500 mm f/8 with T mount for $100.
I had never heard of the brand, but decided that the investment was low
enough to justify purchase even if quality is not what it might be. Now it
is off to the Everglades to test my skills. If I find that I really enjoy
this kind of photography, I will consider a greater investment in more
versitile lenses. Thanks for the "heads up", though. Perhaps someone else
on the list will pick it up and test it.
Bob Harter
From: WKato@xxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 10:32 PM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] Long tele for bird photos
Who was it that wanted to do bird photography with a long tele? Here's a
650/6.8 for about $250 currently. By reputation these lens are quite good.
""Very rare , hard to come by lens, with superb optics for the serious
photographer. Coated glass, Century Tele Athenar II 650mm 6.8 lens for
ANY CAMERA that a T-mount adaptor is made. You can adapt it to Canon,
Nikon, Pentax, Minolta, Exakta, Contax, Yashica,Olympus,even a Leica
with the proper adaptor."" See:
Please buy it and test it for us. :-)
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