At 09:50 AM 12/23/99 +0000, Dirk Wright wrote:
>We shot the moon last night. My wife with her early christmas present sigma
>600/8 mirror for her nikon, and me with tamron 300mm and sigma 18mm.
>It was like daylight out there! Incredible! We pushed tmax 400 to 1600, hope
>something good comes of this. I used the OM2n in auto mode on a tripod for
Yes, it was awesome. My wife and I were walking back from a pig-out session at
our local Lebanese restaurant, and the moon was casting strong shadows through
the elm trees onto the snow. (For once, our local weather co-operated during
an interesting astronomical phenomena.) While I was tempted to take the OM
out, it would have required driving into the countryside for really outstanding
shots, and we've just had a day of freezing rain followed by two days of +6
degrees Celsius weather, making for sloppy driving during the day and
dangerously slippery driving during the night. **HEAVY SIGH**
Ah well -- guess I'll just have to blow a few rolls of XP2 on the puppy... ;-)
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