About this strange 120-back thing; I don't think it can be wide angle. That
looks like the bayonet end of a zuiko lens / extension tube. As to why, one of
you techniks out there ought to be able to come up with a (plausible?)
I'm a returner to this list, had to give up a couple of years back. A lot of
the old faces (or names, rather) are still here, I see; Hi John H., Frank van
L. et al.
I've been buying a bit of gear since I was last on the list, T32, Bounce Grip
2, various TTL leads, Multi Connector 4, an 85/f2...
The digital revolution has occured since my last posting. Now even I have a
scanner and a PC at home. Mine is a cheapish flatbed, good enough for my
purposes. Maybe I can post some stuff on the gallery, or contribute to ADITL.
One thing bothers me. What the heck is Bokeh, guys? It's not in my (Scottish)
Gaelic dictionary...
Donald MacDonald