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Re: [OM] Reshooting? More Dodge and Burn

Subject: Re: [OM] Reshooting? More Dodge and Burn
From: "Garry D. Lewis" <glewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 08:38:21 -0500
>>Can anyone think of a good
darkroom technique to burn the image so I can print it in the "real world
darkroom" like the image on the left, as opposed to the digital domain in
which it took 3 minutes to do what i wanted?  :)<<

yes. It's called flashing. No, it has nothing to do with wearing a raincoat in 
the darkroom.:-)

>>Also, what are your feelings on reshooting locations?  I feel a
special connection to that statue in town, as noone has ever photographed it
that way before.<<
>> Going back and doing it again would maybe lose that connection I have with it
right now. <<<

Well, if you feel that strongly about it, and you don't think you could do 
better, then don't go back to reshoot THAT picture. Go back at different
times and use different approaches to the subject. Don't think in terms of 
better- think in terms of shooting the many different facets of a diamond.
Remember, even the legends of photography( Adams, Weston, Stieglitz, ect.) 
never shot just one version of their most famous works.

                                            yours come to think of it- where 
did I put that raincoat,

D. Lewis
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