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Re: [OM] No OM in Practical Photography

Subject: Re: [OM] No OM in Practical Photography
From: Alex.Hughes@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 16:24:40 +0100


Multi-spot metering (OM Style) is the ability to meter your intended composition
at up to eight individual points from which the camera will calculate your
average exposure.

The metering area is the circle of the focusing aid that you see within the
viewfinder, and this can be positioned over any object or area of light/dark you
wish, then by pressing the spot button you can store this light reading,
recompose and fire at will.

For me it is one of the main things that sets the OM 3/4 apart from other
cameras, and a tool that I love, particularly on shots that involve a lot of
contrast within the scene - it allows you to be in control of what is correctly
exposed and what is over/under, rather than the center weighted average.

There are obviously other ways of getting the same result, but for me the OM 3/4
have got it just right.

No doubt in the FAQ's or on some of the related web sites there are more details
to be found  - also there is a book called "OLYMPUS - Modern Classics" available
in the UK that goes into some more details.

Alex Hughes

PS Better still borrow one and find out for yourself!!!

>I saw this too, but then read that next issue would review the cameras over
>(or something?) so we should see a 3/4Ti  among them....or maybe multi-spot
>metering is just too hot for the competition!!

Could someone explain multi-spot metering to me? Or, could someone point me
to a web site that has all the technical details of the OM-4

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