Hello everyone.....I need to ask for some assistance.....I'm new to photography
(I'm taking photo classes in school) and I recently received a hand me down T32
flash unit. I took it to my photo professor (it had no manual) to ask him for
some help....he was unfamiliar with the flash and wasn't sure where to direct
me....so I'm turning to you all and hopefully your expertise will be helpful.
Here is where I'm at and what I have.. I have the flash unit with the
sliding back piece, first off, how do I know if this is the correct back
piece....I read some of the other posts about the T32 and people suggested that
their are two back pieces that fit (one for the T32 and one for a macro ring?
My concern is that the hander down also had a ring flash that looked very
The other question I have is about the auto modes....how do I know what the
ranges for each of these modes is? It isn't indicated on the back...and
finally, if anyone has a manual for the T32 that they would either be willing
to sell, or would be willing to photocopy I would be very appreciative, I would
compensate for either. Thank you all for your help.
Christopher Teodorski
Seethe Web Productions
Personal Web Page: http://www.iup.edu/~qnyd/
Resume: http://www.iup.edu/~qnyd/resume.html