"C.H.Ling" wrote:
> > Wow, didn't George Anderson have a OM-4T that looked like that? Is that
> your
> > old camera, George? LOL!
> >
> > Anyone want to make bets on the final bid price? OM body cap (ebay value
> of
> > up to $16) goes to the winner! I'll say $290. But then, what do I get
> if I
> > win? (I could use a 49mm Olympus front cap). Caution though, there is
> an
> > Eyecup 2 and a body cap as value added in this auction. And, how about
> this:
> > copy of instruction manual (cut and bound like original)
> > Hum, what's that worth??? :-)
> >
> > Here is the URL again:
> > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=59161041
> >
> > My advance apologies, no offense taken, to the seller: lensman@xxxxxxx
> > He/she provided easy to assess photos and an apparently accurate
> description.
> > And I like his/her Konica FT-1 "as is."
> >
Yeah, and as I said earlier, I loved the "must see" on the description of the
camera. i expected a
mint 4T, but boy, was I surprised. Made me laugh though, which is good...