I have been using a Stylus 140 since August and have been delighted with it.
Nice ability to adjust diopter, zoom is fast and lens seems tight and sturdy.
I did note, however, that of the 2 140's I looked at, one had a slight problem
with retaining diopter adjustment. (Seemed to wiggle loose).
Photos have been well exposed and in focus.
Flash exposures are only problem I have seen. Because the flash is so close to
the lens red eye is a BIG problem if not using the red eye compensation seting.
Using the red eye compensation (a series of small flashes) has seemed to work
quite well.
Do note also that aperature of lens at 140mm is ~f:9.
Brian Huber
I've been thinking about supplementing my OM SLR's with a Stylus Zoom 140,
mostly to take candid shots of people but also to have a camera I can slip in
my pocket (not for any hanky-panky, I just hate to have people pose for the
camera and some of them really notice a bigger camera with flash, power bounce
grip, etc., in the room). Can anyone tell about their experiences with the
Stylus Zoom 140 or share some opinions?
Thanks much.