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Re: [OM] Published work with OMs

Subject: Re: [OM] Published work with OMs
From: duncanm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 16:22:09 +1000
Sometimes it's easy to forget the power we wield these days
a quick trip to the appropriate site with the right keyword.. *poof*

I spoke of a book I couldn't remember which was photographed w/ OM's.

(I assume, since the Photographer has been spotted with a
comprehensive OM outfit)



Chasing Rickshaws
by Tony Wheeler, Richard l'Anson (Photographer), Richard I'Anson
                                          Our Price: $34.95

                                          Availability: This title usually
                                          ships within 24 hours.

Hardcover - 192 pages (October 1998)
Lonely Planet; ISBN: 0864426402 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.83 x 11.12 x
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 7,711


>From the Publisher
This October, in celebration of a quarter-century of publishing, L\ onely
Planet Publications offers
its first large-format illustrated giftbook, C\ HASING RICKSHAWS, with text
 by Lonely Planet
founder Tony Wheeler and 238 full-\ color photographs by Richard I'Anson.

The perfect gift for the world traveler or armchair explorer, CHASING
RICKSHAWS is a quirky
look at a surprising subject, lavishly photographed and presented in Lonely
characteristic, down-to-earth style.

The publisher, Lonely Planet Publications , October 5, 1998

>From the Los Angeles Times:
Lonely Planet, pioneering publisher of guides for the
have-backpack-will-travel set, has remade
the vacuous 
“gift” book genre to survey an exotic subject with intelligent
curiosity, bright design
and colorful photographs that get right in the thick of things. “Chasing
Rickshaws” (192 pages)
takes a look at the taxicabs of the developing world, powered these days by
 guys on bicycles.
Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler and photographer Richard I’Anson hung
out in 12 cities,
from Agra, India, to Yogyakarta, Indonesia, chatting with rickshaw riders,
owners, makers and
repairers, and even taking the disconcertingly wobbly vehicles for test


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