Prices are all obo, what I don't sell to list members goes on Ebay.
OM-1n chrome, would be mint except slight dent around tripod mount on base
plate where it was tightened too hard....................$200.00 obo
OM-G Chrome, basically flawless,..................$100.00 obo
24mm 2.8 w/case, hood and rear cap, filter. $150.00 obo (Pending Sale)
35mm 2.0 flawless.........................$200.00 obo
85mm 2.0 w/case, hood and rear cap and OM filter..some bits of dust SOLD
135mm 2.8 w/case and caps, has oil on diaphragm but works fine. SOLD
T-32 perfect.............SOLD
T-20 w/case, perfect......$40.00 obo (Pending Sale)
winder 2 works fine looks used...........$60.00 obo
49mm filters..many................$20.00 obo (Pending Sale)
Please email me at myoho@xxxxxxxxxxx with offers. Thanks for your interest.
I'm located in Santa Barbara, in case you are close by and want to inspect
Claude Batmanghelidj
PO Box 383
Santa Barbara
CA 93102-383