Just to clarify, the prices I cited were in Aussie dollars, so assuming $1
Australian = $0.63 US, $700 for an OM4 works out at around $450 US (no papers
for this one though ;-) ), and a "fair" condition 4ti at $500, $315. My $375
24mm/f2.8, $235 US
Cheers, and sorry 'bout the waste of space
>Hi All,I found a virtually new OM4 (not T) with box and all the papers.
It's available for sale at $475. My friend says it was a backup body that was
tested with 2 rolls of film when bought but hasn't been used other than that.
Send me a message if you're interested. Also, please don't forget that I still
have the NEW 18mm Zuiko waiting for that right person.-