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Re: FW: [OM] Manual vs Auto Mode?

Subject: Re: FW: [OM] Manual vs Auto Mode?
From: "marc simon" <marc.simon@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 17:21:11 +0200
Hi All,  BW wrote

>I would like to do a little survey. I have been wondering what metering mode 
>we OLY users use our >cameras in,

>Auto, Manual, Spot meter and what 0f the time? And possibly Why? I would try 
>and keep a record for >the next few weeks. The outcome may be interesting.


Of course manual with my old OM1 but it's mostly a spare tool now (1 or 2 0f my 
OM pictures)

With the OM2 (30 0f my OM pictures)

90% auto with a lot of exposure corrections

8 0.000000lash

2% manual

And with the OM4 Ti (the remaining ones ?)

90% auto with 25pot and some "hi" or "low" corrections and around the half of 
those "spot" pictures in multi-metering

9 0.000000lash 

1% manual

but this is a subjective estimation


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