Olympus' expense regarding the 2000 must be miniscule compared to a
camera they designed from beginning to end. Was it a Nikon / Cosina
collaboration that designed the FM-10 which later became a Ricoh body
and then the 2000.?
fdayrit@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Tomoko,
> Olympus is in a difficult situation with the OM system since I would
> think that coming out with a new SLR at this time is not only risky
> but extremely expensive. To revive the OM system means not only
> designing new cameras but also upgrading and designing new lenses and
> accessories. I think, olympus would know what to do at this time
> because they are the ones who know what the results of the
> introduction of the OM2000. Not only in terms of the sales of the
> OM2000 but if this also spilled over to the other system components,
> most importantly lenses. I for one was not too excited by the
> introduction of the OM2000 for the mere fact that, as others have
> noted, it is not a true OM system camera. except for lenses, there
> seeems to be nothing that this camera is compatible with. But what i
> would like to know is what is the effect on the sales of the true
> Zuiko lens line and not the the lenses that were designed with the
> OM2000. I hope the OM2000 does not go the route of similar ventures of
> other camera makers like Nikon with the EM. It still remains to be
> seen what Olympus's strategy is with the introduction of the OM2000
> is. I hope it has the revival of the OM system in mind.
> i think that for Olympus to revive the OM system, they have to take a
> few carefully planned steps and accept two important design policy.
> these design policies are (1)With the introductio of new components,
> there should be a commitment to their loyal users with the design of
> backward compatibility, at least for lenses and flash group. Motor
> drive group compatibility would be nice. (2)they should maitain the
> essense that attracted many to the OM system, elegance and simplicity
> of desgn and functioning and the compactness of the system. these
> policies will ensure that what attracted consumers to the system will
> be continued. It will Keep people who have invested heavily in the
> system interested. it will attract new users because they will realize
> that there is a large availability of second hand equipment that can
> be used with new components.
> In terms of cameras, i think that the OM3/4 are ripe for upgrades. For
> me these are minimal but would greatly enhance it's appeal. first of
> all, they should try to add an aperture info window in the viewfinder.
> add a convenient double exposure switch. manual mirror lock-up. a
> timer for the OM3. For the OM4, a program mode with possibilities of
> improved flash performance with spot metering with flash. An even more
> improved spot metering system with a smaller area spot. Possibly
> matrix metering just to attract more people to the system. A set of
> non-titanium cameras would be nice since this would make them more
> affordable. no need for DX coding and autofocus. just further enhance
> the cameras. small moves like this will indicate to me that they are
> still interested in the essence of the system. All tis while
> maintaining the size, weight and that lovely olympus "feel".
> As for reissues, the OM1/2 reissue with a few upgrades like
> spotmetering and some of the upgrades that i had mentioned above would
> be nice.
> In terms of a new camera, if they were to implement the above
> suggestions, the only thing that they would have to make is a flagship
> camera that is in the vein of the Contax RTS or Nikon F5. take your
> pick. this will be more a system enhancer than a real seller.
> As for lenses, most of the work that they have to do is mostly in the
> telephoto and zoom arena. A few APO lenses would greatly enhance the
> systems appeal. probobly upgrade the 180mm, 300 4.5 and 400 mm to APO
> with bigger opening for the 300 and the 400. But not to price them out
> of this Galaxy. Upgrade the 24 and 35 mm shift lenses to have tilt
> capability would be great. update and further enhance the optical
> performance of their 49mm front thread series. i have heard that
> olypmus is erratic in terms of the lens performance. they should
> dispell this notion and only produce toprate lenses that nobody can
> question.
> As for new lenses, a rectilinear lens in the 14mm range. a really fast
> 35mm(F 1.4) and 85 or 100mm lens ( F 1.4 --1.8). A few zoom lenses
> would also be nice. One in the 28-35mm to 125-150mm range with a F4
> opening. and a few F2.8 zooms in the 80-200 range (a 2.8 65-200 would
> be great). and two wide to normal range zooms would be appreciated.
> As for the flash system, an upgrade of the F280 is sorely needed. rear
> curtain sync should be a must. update the T32 to something like the
> metz 40mz is in order.
> There are a lot of other things that sold be added, but a careful
> implementation is what is essential here. they don't have to do
> everything at the same time, just perfectly timed.
> francis dayrit