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[OM] Stolen Equipment - Part III

Subject: [OM] Stolen Equipment - Part III
From: Ken Norton <kenorton@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 10:09:02 -0600
I'm sure many of you are sick and tired of the continuing drama of the
stolen equipment, but I just got to pass this on.

Last night about 10:30pm I get a call from the police department asking me
to come down to identify a CAMERA.  I drive down and the detective heading
up the entire burglury ring investigation happens to be a friend of mine
from the church we attend.  He recognized the camera as the one I used
during a boys campout that we both were leaders in.

Anyway, the IS-1 has been recovered and they are tracking everything else
down. My camera was the first identified thing from the entire string of
robberies (50+) and he said "Thanks, it will be a busy night now!"  The
camera now belongs to "Paula", or at least that is what the markings on the
bottom now say, the front lens element is scratched, the diopter eyepiece
is loose and finger-print dust is in everything.  I called the insurance
adjuster this morning and he said "enjoy the new camera, I'll come by to
pick up the IS-1 in a few weeks."  I asked if I could at least keep the
camera strap (very nice, expensive, Tamrac strap), and he said "no problem."

Were the burglers Saturday night the same ones from two weeks ago?  No, but
they were the same group.  The police took them in on charges of "Jay
Walking" so they could question them...  Hehehe, they squealed!  They said
"No, we didn't do it, Jim and Davy did it."  Of course Jim and Davy ratted
on the others involved.  Was it their intention to hit the same place
again?  No, it was a mistake on their part, they didn't realize that they
had already cleaned that neighborhood out.  This was the first "repeat
burglery" in five years in this city.

Anyway, my $30 alarm system purchase has absolutely made the police
department's day.  

Now waiting to see if my studio flash equipment reappears...

Ken (Inspector Clousou) Norton

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