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Re: [OM] Commercial Advertising

Subject: Re: [OM] Commercial Advertising
From: Paul Van Tuyl <olympusguy@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 10:25:16 -0600
I respect everyone's views. I will try to be more reserved about trying to help 
with their equipment needs! Paul.

Christopher Biggs wrote:

> Tomoko Yamamoto <tomokoy@xxxxxxxxx> moved upon the face of the 'Net and spake 
> thusly:
> > Regarding advertising of any items for sale either by individuals or
> > dealears on this list, I think it would be better most of transactions take
> > place off the list.
> >
> I think the same rule here applies as for any mail message:
> "If your response is of interest to the group, send it to the
>         list.  If not send private email."
> For example: A response along the lines of "Yes, you can get a
> replacement for your <broken whatever>, I happen to sell them", is of
> general interest, while "I've got one of those, it's yours for $150" is
> not.
> >
> > I am wondering how many of you use such e-mail software and whether
> > everyone using such software is aware that such a neat trick exists.  If
> > everyone with a Web site uses that type of signature, dealears on the list
> > can encourage people to visit their sites without any explicit words of
> > solicitation in the text of their e-mails.
> >
> I don't use Eudora (I'm a UNIX nerd), but my software (Emacs)
> understands URLS for mailto and http.
> <peeve>
> (BTW, Windows users, don't make the mistake of thinking Eudora
> and Netscape are cutting edge software; these programs are in many
> ways LESS sophisticated than some "dinosaur" programs; after all, the
> Internet was around for a long time before Bill Gates noticed it!).
> </peeve>
> It annoys me very much when people  post URLs without the schema-part
> (http: or mailto:) as that does indeed defeat auto-highlighting.
> Chris.
> --
>  Christopher J Biggs \ chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ Vice-Pope torture and marketing
>  Stallion Technologies\ Brisbane,  Australia \   Holy Church of Givashitology
>  nordfordfnrdfnodfnorfnordnordfordfnrdfnodfnorfnordnordfordfnrdfnodfnorfnordn
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