Well, the count is up to 20. I have been messing around on the computer and
came up with a layout that has 24 photos. One photo is 8x10 and the other is
2.5x4.5. Still trying to come up with an attractive layout that has more
To all those interested in participating, what kind of quantity do you think
we should try to have printed? Originally, I was thinking 1000 to 2000
calendars, but it has been suggested to make this a major marketing idea and
print 100,000 and try to get distribution in major bookstore chains. That size
of run would be a fairly large investment per person, but not out of the
question if it's picked up by a large bookstore. I need to see what the
general consensus is.
Still no word on pricing yet. Hopefully I'll find out on Monday.
More as it develops,
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