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Re: [OM] Re: film pushing

Subject: Re: [OM] Re: film pushing
From: Gene Mayeda <gmayeda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 09:37:34 -0600
Rodinal is terrific stuff.In my opinion if you really want to see just
what a film really is then use Rodinal.Each grain is rendered as sharp
as possible.The opposite effect is acheived with Microdol;the edges of
the silver crystals are softened and the fine grain developer effect
takes place.The higher your exposure index the more underexposed your
film will be.You will get some extremely graphic images that approach
the Kodalith look.The reason you are having trouble finding published
information is that the manufacturers know that average looking images
will not result from extreme underexposure and development increases to
compensate for that underexposure.That is what pushing film is.You will
rarely see any recommendations for more than a 1-2 stop push.Remember
what Ansel Adams said:"Expose for the shadows and develop for the
highlights." What you are attempting is exactly the opposite and your
results will show it.Good luck with your experiments and please keep us
informed with your progress.I think that you will have fun and get some
very graphic,high contrast results...the sort of thing the manufacturers
never planned for their products and never encourage their customers to
experiment with.I would be surprised if an average photo processor will
know how to print your negs for you.Not many do B&W these days and even
fewer will know what to do with negs that were pushed 4 stops in
Rodinal.It should be a unique look anyway and very unconventional.
-Gene Mayeda

Peter Leyssens wrote:
> Wow, what a lot of reactions on one day.  Seems I've touched a few
> people's hobby here.
> Summarizing :
> 1) Shawn : the web page link for pushing HP5+ up to 3200 : I've seen
> this one, but since I only have Rodinal at the moment, I only checked
> that part of the table (which goes up to 1600).  It *is* very
> interesting, but I was kind of looking for 'general push experiment
> guidelines' or maybe a few curves like the contrast- and the
> temperature-development time curves.  BTW : for T-Max3200, the list goes
> up to 25000 ASA !  That's nice for a start :-)
> 2) Lars : I've got a place (my kitchen which is a narrow U-shape) that I
> can use as a controlled scene.  I knew the contrast would go up, but I
> didn't know why.  I didn't know about the chromium intensifier.  Sounds
> interesting.  Thanks for the lesson !
> 3) Gene : on one side, I'd like to stick with Rodinal because I'm using
> this already for my evening classes in photography (where we calibrate
> our development process).  On the other hand, now I'm deviating anyway
> ...
> I think I'll be starting with my regular Rodinal, using the 50%
> time/stop and see what the result is.  Unfortunately, evaluating on
> prints is a bit harder for me because I don't have an enlarger (and
> doing it during the hours of the evening class isn't always possible, of
> course).  I'll buy myself a good enlarging lens for studying the
> negatives and if that doesn't work, I'll have to do the printing anyway.
> What the purpose of all this is ?  Well, just experimenting.  If the
> effect is graphically nice, that's fine.  If I can just shoot pictures
> of the Pleiads with my 300mm/f5.6 without a tripod, that would be nice
> too (astrophoto pun : that's a few minutes exposure normally).
> --
> Peter Leyssens
> Eonic Systems
> Support mail : support@xxxxxxxxx

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