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Re: [OM] Happy New Year

Subject: Re: [OM] Happy New Year
From: Gene Mayeda <gmayeda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 14:12:29 -0600
In 1985 I was at Yodobashi (I think). Is that the place that plays
the Battle Hymn of the Republic real,real loud? I wish I had purchased
a lot more gear there.The Yen was about 250 to the dollar or so if 
memory serves me right.The service then was excellent and the 
transaction was completely in Japanese.I was lucky to have a good 
guide with me on that trip.Perhaps part of Olympus' success in those
had to do with the exchange rate.

Clive Warren wrote:
> At 1:01 pm -0500 6/1/98, owner-olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >Happy New Year folks,
> >
> >Just want to let you know that I am back from family visit in Tokyo.
> >I was amazed to see almost everybody outdoors carry mobile phones and
> >Tamagotchi.
> >
> >Did not have time to visit Yodobashi Camera this time, but by watching
> >the TV commercials and ads in the train everybody (M*****a, N***n, Oly,
> >C***n) is pushing for compact digital - saw very few of APS stuff.
> >I felt out-of-date person carrying arround OM-4 SLR with 180/100/50/24
> >Zuiko's and filters in the camera bag.  Eeven my wife commented that
> >I looked silly and impractical - sigh.  Should I get 35-80/f2.8 ?  What
> >is the price of it now these days (in USD).  As of this morning the Japanese
> >yen to the US dollar conversion rate is about 134yen to a dollar.
> >
> >Best regards,
> >Jim Terazawa                   jimt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> What a frightening experience ;-)  You're back with us now Jim, take deep
> breaths.  You've experienced fashion crisis.  They just don't understand
> that you have to suffer for your art - pulled neck muscles, dextrous
> juggling with lenses and caps/filters etc etc.
> Yes definitely buy the 35-80/f2.8 on the pretext that it will be more
> fashionable and compact, then tell us all about it ;-)
> All the best,
>               Clive   http://clive.bel-epa.com

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